6 Essential Pin Escapes in Jiu Jitsu

One of the most important skills in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the ability to escape from bad positions. When your opponent has you pinned down, it can feel like you’re stuck with no way out. But with the right techniques and knowledge, you can escape and turn the tables on your opponent. In this article, we’ll cover six essential pin escapes in Jiu Jitsu.

Hip Escape:

The hip escape, also known as the shrimp, is a fundamental movement in Jiu Jitsu that can be used to escape from many different positions. To perform the hip escape, start by laying on your back with your opponent on top of you. Then, turn your body to the side and create space by pushing your opponent away with your legs. From there, use your hips to scoot away from your opponent, creating even more space. This escape can be used to get out of side control, mount, and other pinning positions.

Bridge and Roll:

The bridge and roll is another classic Jiu Jitsu escape that can be used to escape from mount. To perform this escape, start by bridging up onto your shoulders and lifting your opponent up off of you. Then, roll to the side and use your legs to push your opponent over your head. This escape requires good timing and technique, but it can be very effective when executed properly.

Elbow Escape:

The elbow escape is a versatile escape that can be used from many different pinning positions. To perform the elbow escape, start by creating space by pushing your opponent away with your arms. Then, use your legs to trap your opponent’s arm and slide your body out from underneath them. This escape can be used to get out of side control, mount, and other pinning positions.

Turtle Escape:

The turtle escape is a great option when your opponent has your back and is trying to choke you. To perform the turtle escape, start by tucking your chin and turning onto your side. Then, use your arms to grab onto your opponent’s legs and lift them up. From there, roll onto your back and use your legs to push your opponent away. This escape can be used to get back to your feet or to transition into a guard position.

Granby Roll:

The Granby roll is a more advanced escape that requires some flexibility and agility. To perform the Granby roll, start by tucking your chin and rolling forward onto your shoulders. Then, use your legs to push off the ground and roll back the other way, ending up on your knees. From there, you can use your momentum to escape from your opponent’s pin. This escape can be used from many different pinning positions.

Half Guard Escape:

The half guard escape is a great option when your opponent has you pinned down in side control. To perform the half guard escape, start by turning onto your side and using your legs to create space. Then, use your bottom leg to hook your opponent’s leg and pull them down into a half guard position. From there, you can work to improve your position and escape the pin.


Learning how to escape from pins is an essential skill in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. By mastering these six pin escapes, you’ll be able to get out of many bad positions and turn the tables on your opponent. Remember to practice these escapes regularly and to always keep your mind open to new techniques and strategies.

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