Mastering the Leg Drag Pass to Back Take: A Comprehensive Guide

The leg drag pass to back take is a highly effective technique used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to transition from guard to a dominant position on the opponent’s back. This technique requires a good understanding of body positioning, timing, and leverage. In this article, we’ll break down the leg drag pass to back take step-by-step, providing you with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully execute this technique.

Set Up and Control

To begin the leg drag pass to back take, you must first establish control over your opponent’s legs. From the open guard position, you can use a variety of grips to control your opponent’s legs, such as a collar grip and a pant grip. With these grips, you can pull your opponent’s legs towards you, setting up the leg drag pass.

Initiate the Leg Drag

With control established, you can now initiate the leg drag pass. Begin by driving your knee into your opponent’s thigh, forcing their leg across their body. As you do this, use your opposite arm to pull your opponent’s other leg towards you. This will create the space you need to move into the leg drag position.

Move into the Leg Drag Position

With the space created, move into the leg drag position. Begin by stepping your lead foot across your opponent’s hip, positioning it between their leg and torso. This will help control their body and prevent them from turning away from you. With your foot in place, slide your other leg through the space you created, positioning yourself perpendicular to your opponent’s body.

Establish Back Control

With your opponent’s leg trapped and your body in position, it’s time to establish back control. Begin by reaching over your opponent’s shoulder with your lead arm and grabbing their far lapel. With your other hand, grip your opponent’s near hip. Use these grips to pull yourself towards your opponent’s back, establishing back control.

Secure the Back Mount

With back control established, you can now secure the back mount position. Begin by sliding your hooks in, positioning your feet behind your opponent’s knees. This will help you control their body and prevent them from escaping. From here, you can work to establish a submission, or continue to control your opponent until the end of the match.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As with any technique, there are common mistakes that can hinder your success with the leg drag pass to back take. These include:

  • Failing to establish control before initiating the leg drag.
  • Allowing your opponent to turn away from you during the leg drag.
  • Failing to maintain control of your opponent’s hips during the back take.
  • Trying to rush through the technique instead of taking your time to set up and execute properly.

By avoiding these mistakes and focusing on the fundamentals, you can successfully execute the leg drag pass to back take.

Tips for Success

To improve your chances of success with the leg drag pass to back take, consider these tips:

  • Practice the technique from both sides to develop your proficiency.
  • Work on your timing to ensure you initiate the leg drag at the right moment.
  • Be patient and focus on controlling your opponent’s body throughout the technique.
  • Stay calm and composed, even when your opponent attempts to counter or escape.

With these tips and a dedicated training regimen, you can master the leg drag pass to back take and add it to your arsenal of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques.

In summary, the leg drag pass to back take is a powerful technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that allows you to transition from guard to a dominant position on your opponent’s back. By focusing on the fundamentals and practicing regularly, you can add this technique to your arsenal and become a more well-rounded grappler. It’s important to develop a strong foundation before moving on to more advanced variations and to also practice other guard passing, back control, and submission techniques. Consistency and dedication are key to improving your grappling skills, and with time and practice, you can master the leg drag pass to back take and many other techniques in BJJ.

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