How to Make the Ezekiel Choke from Full Mount Your Go-To Submission

The Ezekiel choke is a highly effective submission that can be executed from various positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). In this article, we will focus on how to make the Ezekiel choke from full mount your go-to submission. This technique is particularly effective against opponents who try to bridge and roll to escape the mount. With the right set-up and execution, you can easily catch your opponent off guard and secure the submission.

Set-Up for the Ezekiel Choke from Full Mount

To execute the Ezekiel choke from full mount, you must first establish the position. Once you have secured the mount, you need to control your opponent’s arms and posture. Use your knees to pin your opponent’s arms to the mat, and keep your chest heavy on their chest to prevent them from bridging and rolling.

Next, you want to isolate one of your opponent’s arms by sliding your hand under their neck and grabbing their opposite collar. This grip will allow you to create the necessary leverage for the Ezekiel choke.

Applying Pressure for the Ezekiel Choke from Full Mount

Once you have established the set-up, it’s time to apply pressure for the Ezekiel choke. Start by lifting your hips off the mat and placing your fist against your opponent’s neck on the same side as the collar grip. Your other hand should be gripping the sleeve of the arm that you have isolated.

Next, use your fist to drive your opponent’s chin towards their chest while simultaneously pulling their sleeve towards their head. This will create pressure on their neck and compress their carotid arteries, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Executing the Ezekiel Choke from Full Mount

One common mistake that people make when attempting the Ezekiel choke from full mount is failing to establish proper control of their opponent. If you don’t have a solid base and your opponent is able to bridge and roll, you will lose the position and potentially the match.

Another mistake is not creating enough pressure when applying the choke. If you’re too loose with your grips and your opponent is able to escape, you may miss your opportunity to secure the submission.

Drill the Ezekiel Choke from Full Mount

To become proficient at the Ezekiel choke from full mount, you must drill the technique regularly. Start by practicing the set-up and grips with a partner. Once you feel comfortable with the initial steps, start applying pressure and working on the finish.

It’s also helpful to practice the Ezekiel choke from other positions, such as the guard and side control. This will allow you to become more comfortable with the technique and understand how to apply it in various situations.

The Best Way to Prepare for the Ezekiel Choke from Mount

Setting up the ezekiel choke from mount is all about positioning and control. First, establish a good mount by keeping your knees close to your opponent’s hips, pressing your weight down on them, and controlling their arms. Once you have a solid mount, start to work on isolating one of your opponent’s arms by sliding your knee up to their elbow and pinning it in place. This will create an opening for you to slide your free arm under their neck and grab your own sleeve or lapel. From here, simply drive your elbow down into their neck while squeezing your arms together to finish the choke.


The Ezekiel choke from full mount is a highly effective submission that should be in every BJJ practitioner’s arsenal. With the right set-up, control, and pressure, you can easily catch your opponent off guard and secure the submission. Remember to avoid common mistakes, drill the technique regularly, and practice from different positions to become proficient. By following these tips, you can make the Ezekiel choke from full mount your go-to submission.

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