Arm in Guillotine: How to Defend and Escape from the Tight Choke Hold

The arm-in guillotine choke is a powerful submission that can catch even experienced grapplers off guard. It’s a versatile submission that can be applied from a variety of positions, including standing, kneeling, and from the guard. In this article, we’ll explore some effective techniques for escaping the arm-in guillotine choke.

Understanding the Arm-in Guillotine Choke

Before we dive into the techniques for escaping the arm-in guillotine choke, it’s important to understand how the choke works. The choke is typically applied when your opponent has an arm threaded under your neck and their other arm over your neck. They will then grip their own bicep with the arm over your neck, forming a tight choke that can cut off the blood flow to your brain.

Escaping the Arm-in Guillotine Choke

  1. Defend Early: The best way to escape the arm-in guillotine choke is to not get caught in it in the first place. Be aware of your opponent’s grip and posture, and try to defend before they fully lock in the choke.

  2. Create Space: If your opponent has already locked in the choke, your first priority should be to create space between their arm and your neck. You can do this by pushing your hips forward, arching your back, and bringing your chin down to create a wedge between your neck and your opponent’s arm.

  3. Use Your Arms: Once you’ve created some space, you can use your own arms to break your opponent’s grip on their bicep. Reach up with both hands and grab your opponent’s wrist or forearm, then pull down and away from your neck to loosen their grip.

  4. Drop Your Shoulder: If your opponent’s grip is too strong for you to break, you can try dropping your shoulder towards the ground on the side of their choking arm. This will create additional space and make it harder for your opponent to maintain the choke.

  5. Circle Away: If all else fails, you can try circling away from your opponent’s choking arm. This will change the angle of the choke and may create enough space for you to escape.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Panic: It’s easy to panic when you’re caught in a tight choke, but this will only make things worse. Stay calm, focused, and try to work your way out of the choke one step at a time.

  2. Pulling Away: Pulling away from your opponent’s grip may seem like a good idea, but it will actually make the choke tighter. Instead, focus on creating space and breaking the grip.

  3. Forgetting to Defend: Don’t forget to defend against the choke as soon as you feel your opponent’s arm thread under your neck. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to escape.

Key Principles to Remember

  1. Stay Calm: The arm-in guillotine choke can be a scary submission, but panicking will only make things worse. Stay calm and focused, and work your way out of the choke one step at a time.

  2. Create Space: The key to escaping the arm-in guillotine choke is to create space between your neck and your opponent’s arm. Use your hips, back, and arms to create space and break the grip.

  3. Be Patient: Escaping the arm-in guillotine choke can take time and persistence. Be patient and work your way out of the choke one step at a time.

Last Ditch Efforts

In some cases, despite your best efforts, you may find yourself unable to escape the arm-in guillotine. In these situations, it’s important to know some last ditch efforts that can help you survive the submission attempt. One option is to use your free hand to grab your opponent’s wrist and pull it away from your neck, giving you some temporary relief and potentially allowing you to create enough space to escape the choke. Another option is to use your legs to push off the ground and create enough space to turn onto your side, which can also alleviate pressure and make it harder for your opponent to finish the choke. It’s important to remember, however, that these are not foolproof solutions and should only be attempted if you are unable to escape the submission using proper technique.


In conclusion, the arm-in guillotine choke can be a dangerous submission that can quickly end a grappling match. However, by understanding the proper defensive techniques and practicing them regularly, you can escape this submission and avoid getting caught in it in the first place. Remember to maintain a strong posture, protect your neck and arms, and be patient and persistent in your escape attempts. It’s also important to avoid common mistakes such as panicking or trying to power out of the choke. By following the key principles outlined in this article and regularly drilling these techniques, you’ll be better equipped to defend against the arm-in guillotine choke and other submissions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

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