Breaking Free: Essential Omoplata Escapes for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Practitioners

The omoplata submission is a versatile and effective technique used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to control and submit an opponent. However, finding yourself trapped in an omoplata can be frustrating and dangerous if not addressed correctly. In this article, we will discuss some essential omoplata escapes that every BJJ practitioner should know to defend against this common submission.

Understanding the Omoplata

Before we dive into the specific escapes, it’s essential to understand the mechanics of the omoplata. The omoplata is a shoulder lock that involves pinning an opponent’s arm between the legs and hyperextending the shoulder joint. To secure the omoplata, the attacking opponent must control their opponent’s body position and prevent them from rolling out of the submission.

Escape 1: Posture Up and Stack

The first omoplata escape we will discuss is the posture up and stack. When an opponent secures an omoplata, their legs are wrapped around your shoulder and neck, so the first step in the escape is to posture up and break their leg control. Once you have established posture, you can stack your opponent’s body weight onto their shoulders, which will relieve pressure on your shoulder joint and provide an opportunity to escape.

Escape 2: Roll Through

The roll-through escape is another effective technique to escape the omoplata. In this escape, you must first establish an underhook on the attacking opponent’s leg, which will prevent them from controlling your movement. Next, you will use your free arm to grab your opponent’s waist and roll through to the opposite side, effectively escaping the omoplata.

Escape 3: The Hitchhiker Escape

The hitchhiker escape is a commonly used technique to escape the omoplata. It involves rotating your arm and shoulder in a specific way to release the pressure on the shoulder joint and escape the submission. This escape requires proper timing and execution, but it can be highly effective when done correctly.

Key Principles to Remember

When attempting to escape the omoplata, there are some key principles to keep in mind. First, establish proper posture to prevent your opponent from controlling your body. Second, maintain a solid base and avoid leaning too far forward, as this will make it easier for your opponent to control your movement. Third, use your free arm to establish underhooks and control your opponent’s body position. Finally, be patient and avoid panicking, as this can lead to mistakes and leave you vulnerable to the submission.

Stay Calm and Focused

It’s important to stay calm and focused when you find yourself caught in an omoplata. Panicking and flailing will only make it easier for your opponent to secure the submission. Instead, take a deep breath and assess the situation. Look for openings to escape and work methodically to free yourself. Remember to keep your movements deliberate and controlled, and don’t rush. By staying calm and focused, you’ll be more likely to find a way out of the omoplata and avoid getting submitted.


Escaping the omoplata requires a combination of technique, timing, and patience. By understanding the mechanics of the submission and practicing the essential escapes outlined above, you can become more confident and proficient in defending against the omoplata. Remember to keep the key principles in mind and practice regularly to improve your skills on the mat. With dedication and hard work, you can develop a well-rounded game that includes effective omoplata escapes.

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