Breaking Through the Guard: Mastering Closed Guard Passing Techniques

The closed guard is one of the most common positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. However, being stuck in your opponent’s closed guard can be frustrating and limiting. That’s why it’s important to know how to pass the guard effectively. In this article, we will discuss six different types of closed guard passes that you can add to your arsenal.

Basic Closed Guard Pass

The basic closed guard pass is a fundamental technique that every Jiu-Jitsu practitioner should know. To perform this pass, you must first break your opponent’s closed guard open by placing your hands on their hips and pushing down. Once you’ve opened their guard, step one leg up and over their thigh while your other foot stays in place. Use your free hand to control their leg and push it down to the mat. Finally, slide your knee over their thigh to complete the pass.

Knee Cut Pass

The knee cut pass is a powerful and versatile guard pass that works well against the closed guard. Begin by breaking open your opponent’s guard as in the basic pass. Instead of stepping over their thigh, however, use your knee to cut through their guard. Use your arms to control your opponent’s legs and prevent them from recovering their guard.

Torreando Pass

The torreando pass is a flashy and effective pass that requires a bit more agility and speed than some of the other passes on this list. Begin by breaking open your opponent’s guard and establishing a grip on one of their legs. Next, quickly circle around to the side of their other leg while pushing their first leg down to the mat. Use your momentum to pass their guard and establish a dominant position.

Leg Drag Pass

The leg drag pass is another dynamic guard pass that requires quick reflexes and agility. Begin by breaking open your opponent’s guard and establishing a grip on one of their legs. Next, step to the side of their other leg and use your free hand to control their knee. Pull their knee across your body while simultaneously driving your knee forward, allowing you to pass their guard and establish a dominant position.

Double Under Pass

The double under pass is a powerful and effective pass that works well against the closed guard. Begin by breaking open your opponent’s guard and establishing double underhooks on their legs. Next, drive your hips forward while lifting your opponent’s hips off the mat. This will cause them to lose their balance and allow you to pass their guard and establish a dominant position.


The X-pass is a creative and versatile guard pass that can be used to catch your opponent off guard. Begin by breaking open your opponent’s guard and establishing a grip on their same-side collar. Next, step your same-side foot up and over their thigh while simultaneously pushing their opposite leg down to the mat. Slide your knee across their thigh to complete the pass.

Passing the closed guard can be challenging, but with these six techniques in your arsenal, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any opponent who tries to trap you in their guard. Remember to stay patient, keep your posture strong, and always be ready to adapt to your opponent’s movements. By mastering these passes, you’ll be one step closer to becoming a well-rounded and skilled Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.

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