Butterfly Guard: An Introduction to the Essential Concepts

Butterfly guard is a fundamental position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that is often used as a starting point for many techniques, sweeps, and submissions. It is a highly dynamic and versatile position that requires speed, agility, and technique to be executed effectively. In this article, we will explore some of the essential concepts of butterfly guard and how to apply them to your game.

Butterfly Guard Basics

Butterfly guard is a position where the bottom player has both of their feet on the inside of the top player’s thighs, with their knees bent and their shins parallel to the ground. The bottom player uses their feet and legs to control the distance and angle of the top player, and can initiate sweeps or submissions from this position. The key to the butterfly guard is to maintain control of the top player’s posture and balance while looking for opportunities to attack.

Leverage and Angles

One of the most important concepts in butterfly guard is leverage. By using the strength and flexibility of your legs and hips, you can generate powerful butterfly sweeps and submissions. To create leverage, you need to understand the angles of your opponent’s body and how to manipulate them to your advantage. By angling your body correctly, you can disrupt your opponent’s balance and control their weight, making it easier to sweep or submit them.

Grip Fighting

Grip fighting is another critical concept in butterfly guard. By controlling your opponent’s grips, you can prevent them from establishing a dominant position and create opportunities for yourself. When playing butterfly guard, you should focus on controlling your opponent’s sleeves or collar grips, as these are the most common grips used to control the bottom player. You can break your opponent’s grips by using your feet or hands, and then establish your own grips to control the position.


Sweeps are the most common attacks from butterfly guard. They involve using leverage and momentum to off-balance your opponent and take them down to the ground. The two most common sweeps from butterfly guard are the basic butterfly sweep and the hook sweep. The basic butterfly sweep involves lifting your opponent’s weight onto one of their legs and then sweeping them to the opposite side. The hook sweep involves hooking one of your opponent’s legs with your foot and then using your hips to sweep them to the opposite side.


Submissions from butterfly guard are less common than sweeps, but they can be just as effective. The most common submissions from butterfly guard are the armbar and the guillotine choke. The armbar involves isolating one of your opponent’s arms and then extending it to apply pressure to the elbow joint. The guillotine choke involves wrapping your arms around your opponent’s neck and then squeezing to cut off their blood supply.

Defense and Escapes

Finally, defense and escapes are also essential concepts in butterfly guard. When playing butterfly guard, you need to be aware of your opponent’s attacks and be ready to defend or escape. If your opponent attempts to sweep you, you can base out with your hands or hips to prevent the sweep. If your opponent attempts a submission, you can defend by keeping your arms and neck protected and then working to escape the position.

In conclusion, butterfly guard is a complex position that requires a deep understanding of leverage, angles, grip fighting, sweeps, submissions, defense, and escapes. By mastering these essential concepts, you can become a more effective and versatile Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu player. Practice your butterfly guard regularly and experiment with different techniques and strategies to find what works best for you. With dedication and hard work

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