Side Control Escapes

Escaping Side Control: Mastering the Shrimp, Bridge and Roll, and Elbow Escapes

Side control is one of the most dominant positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Once your opponent establishes side control on you, it can be tough to escape. However, there are a few fundamental techniques that you can use to escape and regain your guard. In this article, we’ll be covering the shrimp escape, the bridge and …

Escaping Side Control: Mastering the Shrimp, Bridge and Roll, and Elbow Escapes Read More »

Unlocking the Elbow Escape: A Must-Know Technique for Escaping Side Control

One of the most frustrating positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is being stuck in side control. Not only are you immobilized, but your opponent has a myriad of attacks they can use to submit you. However, with the proper technique, you can escape this position and regain control. In this article, we’ll be discussing the elbow …

Unlocking the Elbow Escape: A Must-Know Technique for Escaping Side Control Read More »

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