Cross Choke Survival Guide: Techniques for Escaping the Chokehold

The cross choke, also known as the lapel choke, is a powerful submission technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that can be executed from various positions. The choke involves using the opponent’s gi to strangle them, making it one of the most effective techniques in grappling. However, like any submission, the cross choke can be escaped with the right technique and timing.

In this article, we will discuss the steps to escape the cross choke and prevent your opponent from finishing the submission. We will also provide some tips and tricks to make the technique even more effective.

Basic Defense Against Cross Choke

The basic defense against the cross choke is to create space between your neck and your opponent’s arms. This can be achieved by placing your hand on your neck and pushing your opponent’s arm away from your neck. Additionally, you can use your other hand to grab your opponent’s lapel and pull it down, making it harder for them to choke you.

Advanced Defense Against Cross Choke

If your opponent is able to get a tight grip on your lapel, you may need to use a more advanced defense. One option is to push your opponent’s elbow up and away from your neck, then slide your head out of the choke. Another option is to roll away from your opponent and use your momentum to escape the choke.

Counterattacking from Cross Choke Defense

Once you have successfully defended against the cross choke, you can use the opportunity to counterattack. One option is to transition to a dominant position such as mount or side control. Another option is to attack your opponent’s arm or sweep them to take control of the match.

Drilling and Training Tips

To effectively escape the cross choke, you must drill the technique with a training partner. Start by practicing the basic defense and gradually move on to the advanced defense and counterattacks. It is also important to train with partners who are proficient in the cross choke, so you can experience the pressure and work on your defense in a live situation.

Tips for Preventing the Cross Choke

While it’s important to know how to escape the cross choke, it’s even more important to prevent your opponent from getting the submission in the first place. One way to do this is to control your opponent’s grips and break them early on in the match. You can also use your own grips to control your opponent’s posture and limit their ability to attack.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Escaping the Cross Choke

When attempting to escape the cross choke, there are several common mistakes that people make. One of the most common is not reacting quickly enough when the choke is first applied. Another mistake is trying to fight the choke by pulling away or pushing on the attacker’s arms, which only makes the choke tighter. It’s important to remember to stay calm and focused, and to use the proper technique to escape the choke.

The cross choke is a powerful submission technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but it can be escaped with the right technique and timing. By understanding the basic and advanced defenses, counterattacking from the defense, and drilling with a training partner, you can effectively escape the cross choke and prevent your opponent from getting the submission. Remember to also focus on prevention by controlling your opponent’s grips and posture. With these techniques, you can become a more well-rounded grappler and increase your chances of success in the sport.

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