Elevate Your Game: Mastering the Elevator Sweep in BJJ

The elevator sweep is a powerful technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that allows you to sweep your opponent off their feet and take top position. It is a versatile move that can be used from various positions, including closed guard and half guard. In this article, we will break down the mechanics of the elevator sweep and provide tips on how to execute it effectively.

What is the elevator sweep?

The elevator sweep is a BJJ technique that involves using your legs to lift your opponent off the ground and then sweeping them to the side. It is called the elevator sweep because the motion resembles that of an elevator going up and down.

How to set up the elevator sweep

To set up the elevator sweep, you need to first establish a strong grip on your opponent’s collar or sleeve. From there, you can use your legs to create space and lift your opponent’s weight off the ground. As your opponent falls forward, you can then use your hips to sweep them to the side and take top position.

Common mistakes to avoid

One of the most common mistakes when attempting the elevator sweep is not creating enough space between you and your opponent. You need to make sure you have a strong grip on their collar or sleeve and use your legs to lift their weight off the ground. If you fail to do this, you will not be able to sweep them effectively.

Another mistake is not using your hips to generate enough power in the sweep. It’s important to engage your core muscles and use a twisting motion with your hips to generate enough force to sweep your opponent to the side.

Variations of the elevator sweep

There are several variations of the elevator sweep, including the X-guard elevator sweep and the butterfly guard elevator sweep. These variations involve slightly different setups and grips, but the basic mechanics remain the same.

When to use the elevator sweep

The elevator sweep can be used in a variety of situations, but it is particularly effective when your opponent is in a low base position, making it difficult for you to take them down or sweep them with traditional techniques. It is also useful when your opponent is posturing up in your guard, as you can use the sweep to take advantage of their momentum and sweep them to the side.

Counters to the elevator sweep

One common counter to the elevator sweep is for your opponent to post their hand on the ground and base out. To counter this, you can switch to a different sweep or transition to a different position. It’s important to stay fluid and adjust your strategy based on your opponent’s reactions.

Drills to improve your elevator sweep

To improve your elevator sweep, you can practice drilling the technique with a partner. Start from closed guard or half guard and work on establishing a strong grip and creating space with your legs. Practice lifting your opponent’s weight off the ground and sweeping them to the side with your hips.

Tips for executing the elevator sweep

To execute the elevator sweep effectively, it’s important to have a strong grip on your opponent’s collar or sleeve and to use your legs to create space and lift their weight off the ground. Engage your core muscles and use a twisting motion with your hips to generate enough force to sweep your opponent to the side. Stay fluid and adjust your strategy based on your opponent’s reactions.


In conclusion, the elevator sweep is a powerful technique in BJJ that can help you take top position and gain the upper hand in a match. By mastering the mechanics of the elevator sweep and practicing it regularly, you can add this versatile move to your arsenal and elevate your game in the gym and in competition.

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