Escape in a Hitch: Mastering the Hitchhiker Escape in Jiu-Jitsu

As a Jiu Jitsu practitioner, there’s nothing more frustrating than being caught in a tight armbar, with your opponent’s legs wrapped tightly around your head and torso. Fortunately, the Hitchhiker Escape is a highly effective technique for escaping this position and regaining control of the match. In this article, we will go over the step-by-step process of executing the Hitchhiker Escape.


Understanding the Armbar Attack

The armbar is a submission technique that involves hyperextending your opponent’s elbow joint by locking your legs around their arm and pulling their wrist towards your body. To perform the hitchhiker escape, you must first understand how the armbar attack works and the mechanics behind it.

Identifying the Right Moment to Execute the Hitchhiker Escape

Timing is crucial when it comes to executing the hitchhiker escape. You need to identify the right moment to perform the escape, which is when your opponent is extending your arm towards their chest. This is the point where you can twist your arm out of their grip and execute the escape.

Twisting Your Arm Out of the Armbar Grip

To perform the hitchhiker escape, you need to twist your arm out of your opponent’s grip. You can do this by extending your arm and twisting it in the opposite direction of the armbar. This will allow you to break your opponent’s grip and free your arm.

Rolling Out of the Armbar Attack

Once you have twisted your arm out of the armbar grip, you need to roll out of the attack. To do this, you can either roll forward or backward, depending on the position you are in. Rolling out of the armbar attack will allow you to escape the submission and regain control.

Countering Your Opponent’s Counter

Your opponent may try to counter your hitchhiker escape by adjusting their grip or following your roll. To counter their counter, you need to be aware of their movements and adjust accordingly. You can also use their momentum to your advantage and counter their counter with a sweep or submission.

Watch Out for the Triangle

It’s important to be cautious after performing a hitchhiker escape, as you may leave yourself vulnerable to a triangle choke. The hitchhiker escape involves exposing your leg, which can make it easier for your opponent to set up a triangle. Be sure to keep your posture upright and maintain a strong base, while also being mindful of your opponent’s movements. If you find yourself in a vulnerable position, quickly take action to defend against the triangle choke by either posturing up or passing your opponent’s guard. By staying alert and proactive, you can prevent your opponent from capitalizing on your escape attempt.


The hitchhiker escape is a vital technique that every BJJ practitioner should learn to defend against armbar attacks. It is a simple yet effective method that can save you from a potentially devastating submission. By understanding the mechanics behind the armbar attack and the step-by-step process of performing the hitchhiker escape, you can become a more effective and well-rounded BJJ practitioner.

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