Escaping the Darce Choke: Techniques to Get Out of Danger

The darce choke is a popular submission in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and mixed martial arts, and it can be a tricky hold to escape. Once locked in, it can be tough to maneuver out of the chokehold and prevent being submitted. However, there are several techniques that you can use to escape the darce choke and avoid tapping out.

Hand Fighting and Grip Breaking

When your opponent has you in the darce choke, the first line of defense is to break their grip and prevent them from securing the chokehold. Start by hand fighting and breaking their grip on your neck. You can use both hands to pry their arms apart, or use a one-handed grip break if only one arm is securing the choke.

Create Space

After breaking their grip, it’s crucial to create space to prevent them from reapplying the choke. Push your opponent’s hips away from you with your legs, and create distance between your neck and their arm. This will make it difficult for them to regain the chokehold and give you more space to work with.

Roll to Your Back

If your opponent still has you in the chokehold, try rolling onto your back. This can help relieve some of the pressure on your neck and give you an opportunity to escape. As you roll, use your hands to push against their hips or legs to prevent them from following you and securing the choke.

Bridging and Shrimping

Another effective escape technique is to bridge and shrimp your way out of the chokehold. Use your feet and legs to bridge your hips up towards your opponent, then shrimp away from them to create more space. This can help break the chokehold and allow you to escape.

Switching Sides

If your opponent has secured the darce choke on one side, try switching to the other side. Move your head to the opposite side of their arm and push their hips away from you. This can make it difficult for them to maintain the chokehold and give you a chance to escape.

Shoulder Pressure and Knee Slide

If you’re still trapped in the darce choke, try using shoulder pressure and a knee slide to escape. Use your shoulder to apply pressure to your opponent’s chest or chin, then slide your knee up towards their head to break their grip. This can create enough space for you to escape and avoid being submitted.

Escaping the darce choke can be a challenge, but by using these techniques and staying calm under pressure, you can avoid being submitted and escape safely. Remember to always prioritize hand fighting and creating space, and don’t be afraid to try different techniques to find the one that works best for you.

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2 thoughts on “Escaping the Darce Choke: Techniques to Get Out of Danger”

  1. Pingback: Mastering the Darce Choke: A Step-by-Step Guide – Jiu Jitsu Hub

  2. Pingback: Mastering the D’Arce Choke: A Step-by-Step Guide – Jiu Jitsu Hub

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