From Beginner to Advanced: Learn How to Pass the Butterfly Guard Like a Pro in BJJ

The butterfly guard is a common position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that can pose a significant challenge to those who are not familiar with it. It is a highly mobile and versatile position that allows the bottom player to sweep or attack, making it difficult for the top player to pass. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective techniques and strategies for passing the butterfly guard.

Basic Techniques: Applying Pressure and Breaking Grips

Once you have a basic understanding of the butterfly guard, the next step is to apply pressure to limit the bottom player’s options and break their grips. By establishing top pressure, you can prevent the bottom player from sweeping you or attacking with submissions. Additionally, by breaking their grips, you can limit their ability to control your arms and defend against your passing attempts.

One common way to apply pressure is to use your body weight to drive your opponent’s knees towards the mat. This will limit their mobility and make it more difficult for them to execute a sweep or submission. Additionally, by breaking their grips on your sleeves or lapels, you can limit their control over your upper body and create opportunities to pass.

X-Pass: A High Percentage Guard Pass

The X-pass is a highly effective guard pass that can be used to pass the butterfly guard. It involves stepping over the bottom player’s legs and pinning them to the ground, creating a vulnerable position that can be exploited to pass.

To execute the X-pass, start by establishing top pressure and breaking the bottom player’s grips. Next, step your left leg over their right leg and push their right knee towards the ground with your right hand. Once their leg is pinned to the ground, slide your right knee across their body and establish side control.

Knee Slide: A Versatile and Effective Pass

Another highly effective pass against the butterfly guard is the knee slide pass. This pass involves sliding your knee across the bottom player’s body to establish side control.

To execute the knee slide pass, start by establishing top pressure and breaking the bottom player’s grips. Next, use your left hand to control their left knee, pinning it to the ground. Step your right leg over their right leg and slide your right knee across their body to establish side control.

Leg Drag: An Alternative Approach to Passing

The leg drag is another effective technique for passing the butterfly guard. It involves using your hand to push the bottom player’s knee to the side and dragging their leg across your body to establish side control.

To execute the leg drag, start by establishing top pressure and breaking the bottom player’s grips. Next, use your left hand to push their right knee to the side, creating space for you to slide your right leg across their body. Once your leg is across, use your right hand to grab their right ankle and drag their leg across your body to establish side control.

Advanced Techniques:

While the basic techniques discussed above can be highly effective, advanced practitioners may require additional techniques to pass the butterfly guard against more skilled opponents.

Some advanced techniques for passing the butterfly guard include:

  1. Leg Weave Pass: This technique involves weaving your leg through the bottom player’s legs to establish side control.

  2. Torreando Pass: This technique involves using your grips to push the bottom player’s legs to one side, creating space to pass to the other side.

  3. Double Underhook Pass: This technique involves controlling both of the bottom player’s legs with underhooks to establish a dominant position.


Passing the butterfly guard can be a challenging task for any practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. However, by understanding the position and applying effective techniques and strategies, you can improve your chances of successfully passing the guard. Whether you choose to apply pressure and break grips, use the X-pass, knee slide, leg drag, or other advanced techniques, the key is to remain patient, stay focused, and execute with precision. With practice and dedication, you can develop the skills needed to effectively pass the butterfly guard and advance your Jiu-Jitsu game.

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1 thought on “From Beginner to Advanced: Learn How to Pass the Butterfly Guard Like a Pro in BJJ”

  1. Pingback: Mastering the Butterfly Sweep: Essential Techniques for BJJ Fighters – Jiu Jitsu Hub

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