Hip Escapes 101: Mastering the Fundamentals for Improved BJJ Performance

The hip escape, also known as shrimping, is one of the most fundamental movements in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). It’s a technique that allows you to create space between you and your opponent, and is essential in a variety of situations such as escaping bad positions and transitioning to submissions. In this article, we will break down the hip escape into six parts and provide tips on how to perform it effectively.

The Basic Movement

The first step to mastering the hip escape is to understand the basic movement. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Place your arms alongside your body and your palms facing down. To perform the hip escape, bridge your hips up and move them to one side. Then, bring your legs and hips back down, dragging your opposite foot across the mat. Repeat on the other side. Practice this movement slowly and focus on your form.

Using the Hip Escape to Create Space

Once you’ve mastered the basic hip escape movement, the next step is to use it to create space between you and your opponent. If someone is in your closed guard, for example, you can use the hip escape to create enough space to begin attacking submissions. To do this, perform the hip escape to one side, then use your other leg to push against your opponent’s hip, creating space to bring your knee in and establish an open guard.

Escaping Side Control

The hip escape is also a crucial movement for escaping side control. If you find yourself in side control with your opponent’s weight bearing down on you, the hip escape can be your ticket to freedom. Begin by turning onto your side and performing the hip escape to create space. From there, use your free arm to frame against your opponent’s chest and shrimp away, creating more space to either get back to your guard or stand up.

Regaining Half Guard

Another situation where the hip escape can be extremely useful is when you’re stuck in side control and want to regain half guard. Begin by performing the hip escape to create space, then use your top leg to thread it under your opponent’s leg and establish the half guard position. From there, you can work on sweeping your opponent or attacking submissions.

Hip Escaping Out of Mount

The hip escape is also essential for escaping mount, one of the most dominant positions in BJJ. If you find yourself mounted, begin by bridging and shrimping to create space. From there, use your knees to push against your opponent’s hips and create even more space. You can then use your feet to plant on the mat and perform another hip escape to either regain your guard or stand up.

Tips for Effective Hip Escaping

To make your hip escapes as effective as possible, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your arms close to your body and use them to frame against your opponent.
  • Focus on pushing off the mat with your feet to create as much space as possible.
  • Always move your hips first, and use your legs to follow.
  • Keep your head and shoulders off the mat to maintain good posture.
  • Practice slowly and with intention to ensure proper form and technique.

The hip escape is a fundamental movement that every BJJ practitioner should master. It’s a technique that can be used in a variety of situations, from escaping bad positions to transitioning to submissions. By understanding the basic movement and practicing it regularly, you can become proficient in the hip escape and take your BJJ game to the next level.

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