How to Apply an Inside Heel Hook

The inside heel hook is a powerful submission in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that can cause serious damage to an opponent’s leg if applied correctly. It’s important for practitioners to understand the setup and mechanics of the move to not only use it effectively but also to defend against it. In this article, we’ll break down the step-by-step process of setting up and applying the inside heel hook, as well as providing some tips for defending against it.

Control the leg

To set up the inside heel hook, you must first control your opponent’s leg. You can do this by using your legs to entangle theirs or by grabbing their leg with your arms.

Secure the position

Once you have control of the leg, you need to secure your position by bringing your hips close to your opponent’s hip. This will prevent them from escaping or defending against the submission.

Control the foot

Next, you need to control your opponent’s foot by grabbing it with your free hand. Your palm should be facing upwards, and your fingers should be under their foot. This grip will allow you to control their foot and apply pressure to their ankle.

Place your leg over theirs

After you have secured their foot, place your leg over theirs, so that your thigh is against theirs. This will prevent them from turning or escaping the submission.

Create the bend

Now you need to create a bend in your opponent’s knee by pulling their foot towards your hip. This will create pressure on their knee and ankle, making it more difficult for them to escape.

Apply the heel hook

Finally, you can apply the inside heel hook by rotating your body towards the opposite side of the controlled leg. This will put torque on their ankle and knee, causing pain and potentially leading to a submission.

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