How to Keep Your Guard from Being Passed

As a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, one of the most important skills you must develop is guard retention. Guard retention is the ability to prevent your opponent from passing your guard and obtaining a dominant position. In this article, we will cover six essential techniques to help you improve your guard retention and become a more effective BJJ player.

Understand the Importance of Guard Retention

Before we delve into the techniques, it is essential to understand the importance of guard retention. A strong guard can give you a significant advantage in a match, allowing you to control the distance, neutralize your opponent’s attacks, and set up your own submissions. On the other hand, if you fail to retain your guard, your opponent can quickly pass and take a dominant position, putting you in danger of being submitted or losing the match.

Keep Your Hips Mobile

The first technique for guard retention is to keep your hips mobile. Your hips are the foundation of your guard, and you must use them to maintain distance and control your opponent’s movements. To do this, you need to stay light on your feet and constantly adjust your hips’ position based on your opponent’s movements. You can use your feet and legs to push, pull, and pummel to maintain your guard and prevent your opponent from passing.

Use Your Legs to Control Your Opponent

Another critical technique for guard retention is to use your legs to control your opponent. Your legs are incredibly versatile and can be used to keep your opponent at bay, sweep them, or set up submissions. You can use your shins to block your opponent’s hips and prevent them from getting too close. You can also use your feet and ankles to hook, entangle, or elevate your opponent, making it difficult for them to pass your guard.

Develop a Strong Grip

A strong grip is essential for guard retention. Your hands and arms can be used to control your opponent’s movements and prevent them from passing your guard. You can use various grips, such as the collar grip, sleeve grip, or wrist grip, to maintain control and set up your own attacks. When you grip, make sure to use both hands, and don’t be afraid to switch between grips depending on the situation.

Move Your Hips Before Your Legs

One common mistake that many BJJ players make is moving their legs before their hips. This mistake can make it easier for your opponent to pass your guard since your legs are no longer controlling their movements. To avoid this, focus on moving your hips first before moving your legs. This way, you can maintain control and keep your opponent at bay while still retaining your guard.

Use Inversion Techniques

Inversion techniques are a powerful tool for guard retention. Inversion refers to the act of turning your body upside down while still maintaining control over your opponent. By inverting, you can change the angle of your body and create new opportunities for sweeps and submissions. However, inversion can be risky and should only be attempted by advanced BJJ players who are confident in their ability to execute the technique safely.


Guard retention is an essential skill for any BJJ player looking to succeed in their matches. By keeping your hips mobile, using your legs to control your opponent, developing a strong grip, moving your hips before your legs, and using inversion techniques, you can become a formidable guard player and prevent your opponent from passing your guard. Remember to train these techniques regularly and stay focused on improving your guard retention skills.

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