Lace Pass: A High Percentage Guard Pass for BJJ Fighters

The lace pass is a highly effective guard pass that involves wrapping your leg around your opponent’s leg and driving your weight into their hips to create pressure and control. In this article, we will break down the lace pass into six easy-to-follow steps.

Establish a Good Base

Before you can attempt the lace pass, you need to establish a solid base. Get in a low stance and place your hands on your opponent’s knees or hips.

Control the Legs

Once you have established a good base, you need to control your opponent’s legs. Grab their ankles or use your knee to pin one of their legs to the ground.

Insert Your Leg

Next, insert your leg between your opponent’s legs and wrap it around their thigh. This will give you control over their leg and prevent them from moving or escaping.

Drive Forward

Once you have wrapped your leg around your opponent’s thigh, drive your weight forward, pushing them back onto the mat. This will create pressure and make it difficult for them to defend the pass.

Free Your Trapped Leg

As you drive forward, your other leg may become trapped. To free it, lift your hips and slide your trapped leg out from under your opponent’s leg.

Secure the Pass

Finally, secure the pass by moving into side control or mount. Maintain control of your opponent’s hips and stay heavy to prevent them from escaping.


The lace pass is a powerful guard pass that can be used by BJJ fighters of all levels. By following these six easy steps, you can effectively control and pass your opponent’s guard, allowing you to take dominant positions and finish the fight. Practice the lace pass with a partner and incorporate it into your training regimen to improve your overall BJJ game.

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1 thought on “Lace Pass: A High Percentage Guard Pass for BJJ Fighters”

  1. Pingback: Open Guard Passing: Essential Techniques for BJJ Fighters – Jiu Jitsu Hub

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