Mastering Closed Guard Sweeps: Techniques and Tips

Closed guard is a dominant position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) that allows you to control your opponent and attack them with submissions and sweeps. In this article, we will focus on closed guard sweeps, which are essential for anyone looking to improve their ground game. Sweeping your opponent from the closed guard position requires a combination of technique, timing, and leverage. With practice, you can master these sweeps and take your BJJ game to the next level.

Basic Scissor Sweep

The scissor sweep is one of the most fundamental sweeps in BJJ and is often one of the first techniques taught to beginners. From the closed guard, you control one arm and step on your opponent’s hip with the same-side foot. Then, you extend your opposite leg and use it to push their other hip in the opposite direction. This off-balances them and sets them up for the sweep. Finally, you pull them towards you with your controlling arm and use your extended leg to sweep them over.

Flower Sweep

The flower sweep is a powerful sweep that can catch your opponent off-guard. From the closed guard, you control one arm and place your foot on their hip on the same side. Then, you bring your other foot across their body and place it on their opposite hip. You use your legs to lift them up and off-balance them, then push them away with your foot on their hip to complete the sweep.

Hip Bump Sweep

The hip bump sweep is a simple but effective sweep that can be used to sweep your opponent over either shoulder. From the closed guard, you control one arm and place your same-side foot on their hip. You then bump your hip into them, which off-balances them and sets them up for the sweep. You can either sweep them over the same-side shoulder or the opposite shoulder, depending on their reaction.

Pendulum Sweep

The pendulum sweep is a dynamic sweep that requires timing and coordination. From the closed guard, you control one arm and use your other foot to hook their opposite leg. You then swing your hooked leg back and forth, building momentum and off-balancing them. Finally, you use your controlling arm to pull them towards you and complete the sweep.

Omoplata Sweep

The omoplata sweep is a sneaky sweep that can catch your opponent off-guard. From the closed guard, you control one arm and bring your same-side leg over their shoulder, locking it in place with your foot behind their head. You then use your other leg to push their hip away, off-balancing them and setting them up for the sweep. You can finish the sweep by rolling them over or transitioning to an omoplata submission.


Closed guard sweeps are essential for any BJJ practitioner looking to improve their ground game. By mastering these sweeps, you can control your opponent, sweep them to the ground, and set up submissions. Remember to drill these techniques regularly and use them in live rolling sessions to develop your skills. With practice, you can become a master of closed guard sweeps and take your BJJ game to the

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