Mastering the 3/4 Mount Escape: Essential Techniques for Jiu Jitsu Practitioners

The 3/4 mount, also known as the knee-on-belly, is a dominant position in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that can be challenging to escape from. However, with the right techniques and strategy, you can effectively escape from this position and regain a more advantageous position. In this article, we will explore the essential techniques and strategies for mastering the 3/4 mount escape, providing you with the tools to confidently escape this position and turn the tables on your opponent.

Recognizing the Danger

The first step to escaping the 3/4 mount is recognizing the danger of the position. The 3/4 mount is a dominant position that puts your opponent in a great position to attack you. From here, your opponent can apply submissions such as armbars, chokes, or kimuras, and can also transition to side control or mount. Knowing this, it’s important to stay calm and focused, and not panic or make any sudden movements that could make the situation worse.

Establishing Frames

Once you recognize the danger, the next step is to establish frames. Frames are structures that create space between you and your opponent, and are essential for creating leverage and movement. To establish frames, use your hands and arms to create a barrier between you and your opponent’s upper body. Keep your elbows tight to your body and use your forearms to create pressure against your opponent’s chest or biceps.


The next technique to escape the 3/4 mount is shrimping. Shrimping is a fundamental movement in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that involves using your hips to create space and movement. To shrimp, turn onto your side and bring your bottom knee up towards your chest. Then, use your top leg to push off the mat and create space. As you do this, bring your bottom leg back to the mat and repeat the movement to create even more space. Shrimping can help you create the necessary space to establish frames and work towards escaping the position.

Escaping to Half Guard

Another effective way to escape the 3/4 mount is to escape to half guard. Half guard is a position where you have one of your opponent’s legs trapped between your legs, and can be a great place to work from to escape or sweep your opponent. To escape to half guard, use your frames and shrimping to create space, then bring your knee up and trap your opponent’s leg between your legs. From here, you can work to establish control and work towards a more dominant position.

Rolling Escape

The Bridge and Roll escape is another option for escaping the 3/4 mount. To perform this technique, bridge and roll over your shoulder towards your opponent’s legs. As you roll, use your arms and legs to create space and avoid getting caught in a submission. This technique can be risky if not executed properly, so it’s important to practice it slowly and with a partner before attempting it during live training.

Using the Trap and Roll

Finally, the trap and roll is a classic BJJ technique that can be used to escape the 3/4 mount. To perform this technique, use your frames and shrimping to create space, then trap your opponent’s arm and roll towards them. This can be an effective way to sweep your opponent and gain a more dominant position. However, it’s important to be careful not to leave your arm exposed during this technique, as your opponent can use it to attack you with a submission.

In conclusion, escaping the 3/4 mount is a crucial skill for any Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner to learn. With a combination of proper timing, technique, and strategy, you can successfully escape this dominant position and regain control of the match. Remember to always stay calm and focused, and to keep practicing these techniques until they become second nature. By mastering the techniques outlined in this article, you will be better equipped to handle the challenges that come with the 3/4 mount, and improve your overall BJJ game.

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1 thought on “Mastering the 3/4 Mount Escape: Essential Techniques for Jiu Jitsu Practitioners”

  1. Pingback: From Beginner to Pro: How to Pass the 3/4 Mount in Jiu Jitsu – Jiu Jitsu Hub

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