Mastering the Arm Drag: A Comprehensive Guide

The arm drag is a highly effective technique used in grappling martial arts like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling. It involves controlling your opponent’s arm and using it to maneuver them into a vulnerable position. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the arm drag and explore some of its variations and applications.

What is an Arm Drag?

An arm drag is a grappling technique that involves using your arm to control your opponent’s arm, pulling it across their body to gain a dominant position. It can be used both in standing and ground positions, and it’s one of the most effective ways to take an opponent’s back.

How to Perform an Arm Drag

To perform an arm drag, you need to start by grabbing your opponent’s wrist with one hand and pulling it across their body. As you do this, step to the side and use your other hand to grab their triceps or elbow. From here, you can pivot and turn, using your grip on their arm to pull them off balance and take their back.

Variations of the Arm Drag

There are several variations of the arm drag, each with its own unique application. Some of the most common variations include:

  • Single Arm Drag: This involves using one hand to control your opponent’s arm and take their back.
  • Double Arm Drag: This is similar to the single arm drag, but you use both hands to control your opponent’s arms.
  • Russian Arm Drag: This variation involves reaching across your opponent’s body with one arm and pulling them towards you.
  • Arm Drag to Leg Attack: This variation involves using the arm drag to set up a takedown or leg attack.

Applications of the Arm Drag

The arm drag can be used in a variety of situations, from standing positions to the ground. Some of its most common applications include:

  • Taking the back: The arm drag is one of the most effective ways to take an opponent’s back, giving you a dominant position and setting you up for a potential submission.
  • Setting up takedowns: By using the arm drag to pull your opponent off balance, you can create openings for takedowns and other attacks.
  • Escaping from bad positions: If you find yourself in a bad position, such as side control or mount, the arm drag can be a useful tool to help you escape and get back to a more neutral position.

Counters to the Arm Drag

While the arm drag is a highly effective technique, it’s not foolproof. There are several counters that your opponent can use to defend against it, including:

  • Posture: By maintaining a strong posture, your opponent can make it more difficult for you to control their arm and execute the arm drag.
  • Sprawl: If your opponent sprawls, they can make it difficult for you to take their back and potentially set up a takedown or other attack.
  • Wrist control: By maintaining control of your opponent’s wrist, they can limit your ability to execute the arm drag.

Drills for the Arm Drag

To master the arm drag, it’s important to practice it regularly. Here are a few drills you can use to improve your arm drag technique:

  • Shadow drills: Practice the arm drag without a partner, focusing on your footwork and arm positioning.
  • Partner drills: Work with a partner to practice the arm drag in a live setting, incorporating it into your sparring sessions.
  • Resistance drills: Have your partner resist the arm drag to help you develop the strength and technique necessary to execute it successfully.


In conclusion, the arm drag is a highly effective technique that can be used to gain a dominant position, set up submissions, or sweep an opponent. While it can be used in many different grappling styles, it is particularly effective in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, where it is often combined with other techniques to create a powerful sequence of attacks. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grappler, learning and mastering the arm drag is an essential part of your training. By practicing this technique regularly and using it strategically in your matches, you can improve your overall grappling skills and become a more successful competitor.

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