Mastering the Art of Armbar Escape: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a BJJ practitioner, you know that getting caught in an armbar is a common occurrence. It’s a submission that can be executed from a variety of positions, and it can be challenging to escape once you’re locked in. However, with the right technique and knowledge, you can learn to escape the armbar and avoid being tapped out. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to mastering the art of armbar escape.

Identify the Threat

The first step in escaping the armbar is recognizing that you’re in danger. Your opponent will usually set up the armbar by trapping your arm between their legs, grabbing your wrist, and pulling it towards their chest. You may also feel pressure on your elbow and shoulder, indicating that your arm is in a compromising position.

Create Space

Once you’ve identified that you’re in danger of being submitted, the next step is to create space. This can be done by moving your hips away from your opponent and straightening your trapped arm. By doing this, you’ll create space between your arm and your opponent’s body, making it more difficult for them to apply the submission.

Rotate Your Body

Once you’ve created space, the next step is to rotate your body. This will allow you to move your trapped arm to a safer position. To do this, bring your knees up towards your chest and rotate your body away from your trapped arm. This will create even more space and allow you to move your arm to a more advantageous position.

Free Your Arm

With your body rotated and your arm in a safer position, the next step is to free your arm. You can do this by extending your trapped arm and pushing down on your opponent’s leg. This will create even more space and give you the room you need to pull your arm free.

Escape the Position

Once your arm is free, the final step is to escape the position. You can do this by either standing up and disengaging, or by transitioning to a more dominant position, such as side control or mount. However, it’s important to be aware of your opponent’s movements and not to expose yourself to other submissions.


Escaping the armbar requires a combination of technique, knowledge, and quick thinking. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of escaping the submission and avoiding being tapped out. Remember, it’s essential to remain calm and focused when you find yourself in a compromising position. With practice, you’ll be able to master the art of armbar escape and take your BJJ skills to the next level.

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1 thought on “Mastering the Art of Armbar Escape: A Step-by-Step Guide”

  1. Pingback: The Armbar from Closed Guard: A Fundamental Submission in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – Jiu Jitsu Hub

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