Mastering the Back Take: Techniques and Tips

The back take is a fundamental move in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) that involves taking an opponent’s back to gain a dominant position. It is a highly effective way to control and submit an opponent, especially in competition. In this article, we will explore different techniques and tips for mastering the back take.

The Importance of the Back Take in BJJ

The back take is one of the most dominant positions in BJJ. It allows the attacker to control the opponent’s movement, preventing them from escaping or defending effectively. The back position also offers a wide range of submissions, including the Rear Naked Choke, which is one of the most effective and popular submissions in BJJ.

Techniques for Taking the Back

One of the most common ways to take an opponent’s back is to start from a dominant position, such as mount or side control. From there, the attacker can transition to the back by sliding their knee across the opponent’s body and placing their hooks in. Another technique for taking the back is to use the arm drag from turtle position. The attacker can grab their opponent’s arm, pull it across their body, and then move to the back.

Finishing from the Back Position

Once in the back position, the attacker has many submission options available, including the Rear Naked Choke, the Bow and Arrow Choke, and the collar choke. The Rear Naked Choke is one of the most effective submissions from the back, and it involves wrapping one arm around the opponent’s neck while placing the other arm under their chin. The attacker then squeezes their arms together to cut off the opponent’s blood flow.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common mistake when taking the back is to rush the transition and lose control of the opponent. It is important to stay patient and maintain control throughout the transition. Another mistake is to focus too much on the submission and lose control of the position. It is important to maintain control of the back position and only attempt the submission when the opportunity presents itself.

Drills and Training Tips

To master the back take, it is important to drill the technique regularly. This can be done through positional sparring, where one person starts in a dominant position, and the other person tries to take their back. It is also important to focus on maintaining control in the back position, as well as transitioning smoothly to different submissions.

Common Counters and How to Defend Them

One common defense to the back take is for the opponent to tuck their chin and prevent the attacker from applying the Rear Naked Choke. To counter this defense, the attacker can use the collar choke, which involves grabbing the opponent’s collar and pulling it across their neck. Another defense is for the opponent to roll over to their stomach to escape the back position. To prevent this, the attacker can use the seatbelt grip to control the opponent’s hips and prevent them from rolling over.

When to Use the Back Take

The back take is a highly effective technique in both sport BJJ and self-defense situations. It is especially useful when an opponent is turtled up or when they are trying to escape from a dominant position. However, it is important to note that the back position can also be dangerous if not used correctly. It is important to maintain control and only attempt submissions when the opportunity presents itself.


In conclusion, the back take is a fundamental technique in BJJ that should be mastered by all practitioners. By understanding the different techniques, submissions, and training tips, you can improve your ability to take and maintain the back position, ultimately leading to more dominant performances on the mat.

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