Mastering the Double Underhook Pass: A Step-by-Step Guide

The double underhook pass is a powerful technique that can help you gain control over your opponent and secure a dominant position. It involves passing your opponent’s guard by controlling their legs with a double underhook grip, making it difficult for them to defend against your advances. In this article, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of executing the double underhook pass with maximum effectiveness.

Setting up the Double Underhook Pass

To set up the double underhook pass, you’ll need to establish control of your opponent’s legs. This can be done by first securing the underhook on one side, and then circling your arm around to secure the second underhook on the opposite side. As you secure your grip, you’ll want to ensure that your arms are tight against your opponent’s hips to prevent them from escaping.

Applying Pressure with Your Head

Once you have secured the double underhook grip, you’ll need to apply pressure with your head to control your opponent’s upper body. To do this, drive your forehead into their chest or shoulder, while simultaneously pulling them towards you with your underhooks. This will help to disrupt their balance and prevent them from mounting any significant counterattacks.

Driving Forward with Your Hips

With your opponent’s legs under control and their upper body secured with your head, it’s time to begin driving forward with your hips. Use your knees to force their legs open, and then drive your hips forward while maintaining your double underhook grip. This will help to break down their guard and create space for you to pass.

Securing the Pass

As you continue to drive forward with your hips, you’ll want to shift your weight to one side to create an opening for you to pass through. At this point, it’s important to maintain control of your opponent’s legs with your double underhook grip, as they may attempt to recover their guard. Once you have secured the pass, transition to a dominant position, such as side control or mount.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One of the most common mistakes made when executing the double underhook pass is failing to control your opponent’s upper body with your head. This can result in your opponent mounting a counterattack and regaining their guard. Another common mistake is allowing your grip to become loose, which can give your opponent the opportunity to escape. To avoid these mistakes, it’s essential to maintain a tight grip with your underhooks and to use your head to control your opponent’s upper body.

Drilling and Incorporating the Double Underhook Pass into Your Game

Like all jiu-jitsu techniques, mastering the double underhook pass requires practice and repetition. Spend time drilling the technique with a partner, and focus on refining your grip and body position. As you become more comfortable with the technique, look for opportunities to incorporate it into your game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, the double underhook pass is a valuable technique to have in your arsenal.


The double underhook pass is a powerful technique that can help you gain control over your opponent and secure a dominant position. By mastering the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to execute the double underhook pass with maximum effectiveness and take your jiu-jitsu game to the next level. Remember to practice regularly and stay focused on refining your technique, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

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