Mastering the Scissor Sweep: A Step-by-Step Guide

The scissor sweep is one of the most effective and versatile sweeps in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is a technique that allows you to use your legs to sweep your opponent off their feet and take top position. This sweep can be used from a variety of positions, including closed guard, open guard, and half guard. In this guide, we will break down the scissor sweep step-by-step, so you can master this essential technique and add it to your arsenal.

Setting up the Scissor Sweep from Closed Guard

The closed guard is the most common position to set up the scissor sweep. To set up the sweep, you must control your opponent’s posture and create an angle. You can do this by pulling your opponent down towards you, breaking their posture, and using your legs to create an angle. From here, you can insert your foot into your opponent’s hip and begin to set up the scissor sweep.

Executing the Scissor Sweep

Once you have set up the scissor sweep, it is time to execute it. To do this, you will need to extend your leg and push your opponent away from you, while simultaneously pulling them towards you with your other leg. This will cause your opponent to lose their balance, and you can then use your momentum to sweep them to the side.

Recovering the Guard

After executing the sweep, your opponent will likely try to recover their guard. To prevent this, you must be ready to transition to a dominant position or attack with a submission. If your opponent manages to recover guard, you can use the momentum from the sweep to transition to a different sweep or attack.

Setting up the Scissor Sweep from Open Guard

The scissor sweep can also be set up from open guard. To do this, you must control your opponent’s grips and create an angle. You can do this by breaking your opponent’s posture and using your legs to create an angle. From here, you can insert your foot into your opponent’s hip and begin to set up the scissor sweep.

Setting up the Scissor Sweep from Half Guard

The scissor sweep can also be used from half guard. To set up the sweep, you must control your opponent’s posture and create an angle. You can do this by breaking your opponent’s posture and using your legs to create an angle. From here, you can insert your foot into your opponent’s hip and begin to set up the scissor sweep.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While the scissor sweep is an effective technique, there are several common mistakes that can be made when attempting to execute it. These include failing to control your opponent’s posture, not creating the proper angle, and losing control of your opponent’s grips. To avoid these mistakes, focus on maintaining control and creating the necessary angles.


The scissor sweep is an essential technique that should be in every BJJ practitioner’s arsenal. By mastering this technique, you can control your opponent and take top position, which will give you the advantage in any match. Remember to practice the scissor sweep from all positions and be patient as you develop your technique. With enough practice, you will be able to execute the scissor sweep with precision and effectiveness.

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