Mastering the Shrimp Escape: How to Escape Side Control Like a Pro

The shrimp escape is one of the most fundamental and effective techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for escaping from side control. It involves using your hips and legs to create space and shrimp away from your opponent, allowing you to regain guard or a more advantageous position. In this article, we will be breaking down the key steps to mastering the shrimp escape, so you can escape side control like a pro.

Setting Up the Shrimp

To execute the shrimp escape, you need to first create space between you and your opponent. Start by placing your hands on your opponent’s hips or chest and pushing away, while simultaneously bridging your hips up and away from your opponent. This creates the space you need to execute the shrimp.

Shrimping Away

Once you have created enough space, it’s time to shrimp away from your opponent. This involves moving your hips away from your opponent and towards the direction you want to escape. As you shrimp, use your arms and legs to push and pull yourself away from your opponent, creating even more space to escape.

Recovering Guard

As you shrimp away, look to recover guard by bringing your knee up and into your opponent’s hip, while using your other leg to push your opponent away. Once you have established guard, you can work on sweeping or submitting your opponent.

Countering Your Opponent’s Reactions

Your opponent will likely try to prevent you from escaping by following your movements or attempting to control your legs. To counter this, you can use fake shrimps or hip movements to create confusion and off-balance your opponent. You can also use your legs to pummel and regain control, or even use the momentum of your opponent’s reactions to your advantage.

Practice and Repetition

Like any technique in BJJ, the shrimp escape requires practice and repetition to master. Make sure you drill the steps and practice them on both sides, so you can execute the escape from either side of your opponent. And remember, the more you practice, the more confident and comfortable you’ll become with the technique.

In conclusion, the shrimp escape is a fundamental and effective technique for escaping side control in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. By mastering the setup, shrimping away, recovering guard, countering your opponent’s reactions, and practicing regularly, you can escape from side control like a pro. So, go ahead and add the shrimp escape to your BJJ arsenal and elevate your game to the next level.

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1 thought on “Mastering the Shrimp Escape: How to Escape Side Control Like a Pro”

  1. Pingback: Escaping Side Control: Mastering the Shrimp, Bridge and Roll, and Elbow Escapes – Jiu Jitsu Hub

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