The Smash Pass: A Powerful BJJ Guard Pass

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the smash pass is a popular guard pass that can be used to overwhelm your opponent and establish a dominant position. By driving your weight and pressure down onto your opponent, you can effectively “smash” their guard and make your way past their legs. In this blog post, we’ll break down the essential components of the smash pass and give you tips on how to execute it successfully.

Grip Fighting:

Like any other guard pass, the smash pass begins with grip fighting. Your goal is to control your opponent’s arms and prevent them from establishing a strong grip on your gi. Use your own grips to control their arms and make it difficult for them to defend against your pass.

Pressure and Base:

The key to the smash pass is driving your weight down onto your opponent. As you begin to pass, drop your hips and base out with your legs. Use your bodyweight to pin your opponent’s legs and prevent them from recovering guard.

Leg Positioning:

To smash your opponent’s guard, you need to control their legs. Use your arms to trap one of their legs to the mat while driving your body weight onto the other leg. This will make it difficult for them to move and defend against your pass.

Hip Movement:

Once you have trapped your opponent’s leg, you need to use your hip movement to free your trapped leg and pass their guard. Use your hips to turn your body and free your trapped leg while keeping pressure on your opponent.

Transition to Side Control:

As you free your trapped leg and begin to pass your opponent’s guard, transition to side control. Use your arms to control your opponent’s upper body and establish a dominant position.

Common Mistakes:

One common mistake when attempting the smash pass is failing to control your opponent’s legs. If you don’t trap their legs effectively, they’ll be able to move and defend against your pass. Another mistake is not using enough pressure and base. Make sure you drive your weight down onto your opponent and maintain a solid base throughout the pass.

The smash pass is a powerful tool for any BJJ practitioner looking to pass their opponent’s guard. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can effectively “smash” your opponent’s guard and establish a dominant position. Remember to focus on grip fighting, pressure and base, leg positioning, hip movement, and transitioning to side control. With practice and dedication, you’ll be able to execute the smash pass with ease.

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