Submissions from Bottom Half Guard: Essential Techniques for Turning the Tables and Finishing the Fight

Half guard is a popular position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, offering many opportunities for sweeps, submissions, and control. While the top half guard position is often preferred, the bottom half guard can be just as effective, especially for those who like to play a more defensive game. In this article, we will be focusing on submissions from the bottom half guard position, breaking down some essential techniques that will help you turn the tables and finish the fight.

The Kimura Trap

The Kimura Trap is a highly effective submission that can be executed from the bottom half guard position. To set up the Kimura Trap, you will first need to control your opponent’s arm and shoulder, pinning it to your chest. From here, you can use your other hand to grab your opponent’s wrist, setting up the Kimura grip. Once you have secured the grip, you can use your legs to create space and roll onto your side, trapping your opponent’s arm and shoulder and finishing the submission.

The Electric Chair

The Electric Chair is a versatile submission that can be used from the bottom half guard to sweep or submit your opponent. To execute the Electric Chair, you will need to control your opponent’s leg and foot, placing it in between your legs. From here, you can use your arm to grab your opponent’s ankle and lift it up, putting pressure on their knee and destabilizing their base. You can then use your legs to sweep your opponent or transition into a submission, such as a calf slicer or banana split.

The Deep Half Guard

The Deep Half Guard is a popular position that allows you to control your opponent’s hips and create space for sweeps and submissions. To execute the Deep Half Guard, you will need to control your opponent’s leg and foot, pulling it across your body and using your head to drive into their hip. From here, you can use your free arm to grab your opponent’s far leg and elevate it, sweeping them onto their back or setting up a submission, such as a heel hook or kneebar.

The Triangle Choke

The Triangle Choke is a classic submission that can be executed from many positions, including the bottom half guard. To set up the Triangle Choke from the bottom half guard, you will need to control your opponent’s posture and create space to maneuver your legs. From here, you can use your legs to trap your opponent’s arm and neck, securing the Triangle Choke and finishing the submission.

The Armbar

The Armbar is another classic submission that can be executed from the bottom half guard position. To set up the Armbar, you will need to control your opponent’s arm and create space to maneuver your legs. From here, you can use your legs to trap your opponent’s arm and secure the Armbar grip, finishing the submission by extending your hips and pulling on your opponent’s arm.


The bottom half guard position can be a dangerous position for your opponent if you know how to use it to your advantage. By focusing on these essential techniques and submissions, you can turn the tables on your opponent and finish the fight from the bottom half guard position. Remember to practice these techniques with a partner and always prioritize safety and control when training.

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