Sweeping Your Way to Success: A Guide to Different Types of Jiu Jitsu Sweeps

Sweeps are an important aspect of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and are used to off-balance and topple an opponent from a dominant position, allowing the person on bottom to reverse the situation and gain an advantageous position. In this article, we’ll be discussing the basics of sweeps and some different types of sweeps that you can use in your training.

What is a Sweep?

A sweep is a technique used to transition from a disadvantaged position, such as being on your back, to a more dominant position, such as being on top. A successful sweep involves off-balancing your opponent and taking advantage of their loss of balance to sweep them off their feet and take control of the position.

Basic Sweep Principles

To execute a sweep successfully, there are some basic principles that you need to follow. These include having a solid base, controlling your opponent’s weight, timing your sweep to take advantage of their movements, and following through with the sweep to take control of the position.

Types of Sweeps

There are many different types of sweeps in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, each with their own unique set of mechanics and applications. Some common sweeps include:

  1. Scissor Sweep – This sweep involves using your legs to scissor your opponent’s legs apart, off-balancing them to one side and creating an opening to sweep them.

  2. Flower Sweep – This sweep involves using your legs to wrap around your opponent’s leg and sweep them in the opposite direction.

  3. Elevator Sweep – This sweep involves elevating your opponent’s leg and sweeping them in the opposite direction.

  4. Pendulum Sweep – This sweep involves using your legs to swing your opponent to one side and then sweeping them in the opposite direction.

  5. Hip Bump Sweep – This sweep involves using your hips to bump your opponent off balance and then sweeping them in the opposite direction.

  6. Old School Sweep – This sweep involves controlling your opponent’s arm and leg on one side, off-balancing them to that side, and then sweeping them in the opposite direction.

When to Use Sweeps

Sweeps are particularly useful when you find yourself in a disadvantaged position, such as being on your back, and need to reverse the situation. They can also be used to create openings and opportunities to attack your opponent or to transition to a better position.

Tips for Executing Sweeps

To execute a sweep successfully, there are some tips that can help. These include using proper timing, maintaining control of your opponent’s weight, using your hips and legs to create leverage, and following through with the sweep to take control of the position.

Drilling Sweeps

To become proficient at executing sweeps, it’s important to drill them regularly in your training. This can involve practicing them with a partner or drilling them solo on a grappling dummy. As with any technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, consistent practice and drilling is key to mastering the sweep.


Sweeps are an essential tool in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, allowing you to reverse the situation from a disadvantaged position and gain an advantageous position. By understanding the basic principles of sweeps and practicing different types of sweeps, you can improve your overall game and become a more well-rounded BJJ practitioner.

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