The Clock is Ticking: How to Dominate Your Opponent with the Clock Choke

The Clock Choke is a highly effective submission that can be executed from a variety of positions. It is especially dangerous from the back mount, but can also be set up from the top position or even from the guard. The choke works by compressing the carotid arteries on both sides of the neck, causing the opponent to go unconscious if the choke is not released.

Gripping for the Clock Choke

To set up the Clock Choke, you need to first establish a strong grip on your opponent’s collar with one hand, and on their opposite arm with the other hand. From there, you will use your collar grip to pull your opponent’s head down towards their opposite shoulder, while your other hand pulls their arm across their body. This creates a strong angle to apply the choke.

Securing the Position

Once you have established the proper grips, it’s time to secure the position. If you are setting up the Clock Choke from the back mount, you will need to work your way towards your opponent’s back and secure your hooks. From there, you can begin to set up the choke. If you are setting up the choke from the top position or guard, you will need to use your body weight and control to prevent your opponent from escaping.

Applying the Choke

With your grips secured and the position established, it’s time to apply the choke. You will need to bring your choking arm across your opponent’s neck, with the back of their neck in the crook of your elbow. From there, you will use your other hand to push down on your opponent’s head, while pulling up on their arm with your other hand. This creates a powerful compression on both sides of the neck, cutting off the flow of blood to the brain.

Variations of the Clock Choke

There are many variations of the Clock Choke, each with their own unique setups and finishes. One common variation is the Paper Cutter Choke, which is similar to the Clock Choke but is applied with the blade of the forearm instead of the crook of the elbow. Another variation is the Baseball Bat Choke, which is executed from the top position and involves using your lapel grip to create leverage and apply the choke.

Counters and Defenses

As with any submission, there are also counters and defenses to the Clock Choke. One common defense is to tuck your chin to protect your neck from the choke. Another defense is to prevent your opponent from establishing the proper grips and position for the choke in the first place. If you are caught in the choke, you can try to roll to your side to relieve the pressure, or use your free hand to pry your opponent’s choking arm off your neck.

Training Tips

To effectively execute the Clock Choke, you need to have a strong grip and good timing. You can practice your grip strength with exercises such as grip trainers or by doing grip-specific drills. Timing can be improved through drilling the choke from various positions and practicing setups and finishes.


The Clock Choke is a highly effective submission that can be used to finish opponents from a variety of positions. To effectively execute the choke, you need to have a solid grip, secure the position, and apply the choke with proper technique. With practice and dedication, the Clock Choke can become a powerful weapon in your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu arsenal.

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