The Omoplata Sweep: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering this Essential BJJ Move

The omoplata sweep is a powerful and versatile technique that allows you to sweep your opponent from the closed guard and take a dominant position. The omoplata sweep is also a precursor to the omoplata submission, which can be a deadly finishing move. In this blog post, we will explore the basic principles of the omoplata sweep, as well as some variations and strategies for setting it up.

Basic Mechanics of the Omoplata Sweep

The omoplata sweep begins from the closed guard. Start by controlling your opponent’s posture with a strong collar grip and breaking their posture down. Next, bring your leg over your opponent’s shoulder and under their armpit, placing your foot on their hip. This will create a triangle-like shape with your legs. From here, use your foot on their hip to push them away and sweep them over your head.

Variations of the Omoplata Sweep

While the basic mechanics of the omoplata sweep are relatively simple, there are many variations and adjustments that you can make to the technique to make it more effective. One common variation is to use your free hand to control your opponent’s opposite arm, preventing them from posting and making the sweep easier. Another variation is to use your other leg to hook your opponent’s leg and prevent them from stepping over your head.

Setting up the Omoplata Sweep

The omoplata sweep can be set up in a number of ways. One common method is to use a collar grip to pull your opponent’s head down, breaking their posture and allowing you to set up the omoplata sweep. Another method is to use a fake sweep or submission attempt to get your opponent to post their hand, allowing you to set up the omoplata sweep.

Counters to the Omoplata Sweep

As with any technique, there are counters to the omoplata sweep that your opponent can use to defend against it. One common counter is for your opponent to post their hand on the mat, preventing you from sweeping them over your head. Another counter is for your opponent to use their free arm to push your foot off of their hip, preventing you from completing the sweep.

Training Drills and Tips for the Omoplata Sweep

As with any technique, the omoplata sweep requires practice to perfect. Some tips for training the omoplata sweep include drilling the basic mechanics of the technique and practicing setting it up from different positions. You can also practice the omoplata sweep as part of a larger flow, chaining it together with other sweeps and submissions.

Blending the Omoplata Sweep with Other Systems

The Omoplata Sweep can be seamlessly integrated with other grappling systems, allowing you to flow seamlessly from one technique to another. One popular system that blends well with the Omoplata Sweep is the spider guard, which can help you set up the initial grip needed to execute the technique. Additionally, the De La Riva guard can be a great system to transition to if the Omoplata Sweep is unsuccessful, as it allows you to maintain control of your opponent’s leg and potentially set up another sweep or submission. By combining the Omoplata Sweep with other grappling systems, you can create a well-rounded game that keeps your opponent guessing and constantly on the defensive.

The omoplata sweep is a powerful and effective technique that can be used to sweep your opponent from the closed guard and take a dominant position. By mastering the basic mechanics of the omoplata sweep and practicing variations and setups, you can add this powerful technique to your arsenal and become a more well-rounded Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.

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1 thought on “The Omoplata Sweep: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering this Essential BJJ Move”

  1. Pingback: 6 Essential Submissions from Closed Guard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – Jiu Jitsu Hub

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