The Peruvian Necktie: A Powerful Chokehold From The Guard

The Peruvian necktie is a powerful submission hold that can be used from the guard position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This choke is particularly effective because it attacks both the opponent’s neck and their windpipe, making it difficult to defend against. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Peruvian necktie and how to execute it properly.

What is the Peruvian necktie?

The Peruvian necktie is a submission hold that involves wrapping one arm around the opponent’s neck and the other arm under their armpit. From there, the attacker pulls their opponent’s head down while pushing their arm up to apply pressure to the neck and windpipe. This choke can be applied from the guard position and is often used as a counter to the opponent’s takedown attempt.

How to set up the Peruvian necktie

To set up the Peruvian necktie, the attacker must first establish a guard position and control the opponent’s posture. Once the attacker has control, they can then use their legs to pull the opponent’s head down and create space for the arm to come under the armpit. From there, the attacker can wrap their arm around the opponent’s neck and begin to apply pressure.

Executing the Peruvian necktie

To execute the Peruvian necktie, the attacker must first establish control over the opponent’s posture and wrap their arm around the opponent’s neck. From there, the attacker should push their arm up while pulling the opponent’s head down to apply pressure to the neck and windpipe. The attacker can use their legs to control the opponent’s movement and prevent them from escaping the hold.

Variations of the Peruvian necktie

There are several variations of the Peruvian necktie, including the rolling Peruvian necktie and the reverse Peruvian necktie. The rolling Peruvian necktie involves rolling the opponent over onto their back while maintaining the chokehold, while the reverse Peruvian necktie involves wrapping the arm around the opponent’s neck from the opposite side.

Defending against the Peruvian necktie

The best way to defend against the Peruvian necktie is to prevent the attacker from establishing the hold in the first place. This can be done by maintaining good posture and keeping the arms close to the body. If the attacker is able to wrap their arm around the neck, the defender can try to create space and escape the hold by pushing the attacker’s arm away and turning their head to the side.

Training drills and tips for the Peruvian necktie 

To become proficient in the Peruvian necktie, it is important to practice the technique regularly. One effective training drill is to start in the guard position and work on establishing control over the opponent’s posture before attempting the chokehold. It is also important to focus on maintaining good form and using the legs to control the opponent’s movement.

The Peruvian necktie is a powerful chokehold that can be used from the guard position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. By wrapping one arm around the opponent’s neck and the other arm under their armpit, the attacker can apply pressure to both the neck and windpipe, making it difficult to defend against. While the Peruvian necktie is a highly effective submission hold, it is important to practice the technique regularly and focus on maintaining good form to ensure success in competition.

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