The Standing Closed Guard Open: A Comprehensive Guide

The standing closed guard open is a position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that allows you to initiate a guard pass while standing. It involves opening your opponent’s guard while you are still standing and transitioning to a top position. In this article, we will break down the standing closed guard open into six parts to help you understand the position and how to use it effectively in your BJJ game.

What is the standing closed guard open?

The standing closed guard open is a position in which you stand in front of your opponent who is on their back with their legs wrapped around you in a closed guard. Instead of attempting to pass from inside the closed guard, you break the guard open while still standing and then transition to a top position. This is a powerful technique that can surprise your opponent and give you the upper hand.

Why use the standing closed guard open?

The standing closed guard open is an effective way to pass your opponent’s guard while minimizing the risk of getting swept or submitted. It also allows you to control the distance between you and your opponent, which can give you an advantage when transitioning to a top position.

How to set up the standing closed guard open?

To set up the standing closed guard open, you first need to control your opponent’s posture. This can be done by grabbing their lapels or sleeves and pulling them forward. Once you have control of their posture, you can then step back with one foot while pushing their knees open with your hands. This will break the guard open and give you the opportunity to transition to a top position.

Common mistakes to avoid

One common mistake when attempting the standing closed guard open is not controlling your opponent’s posture. If you fail to control their posture, they can easily pull you back into their closed guard. Another mistake is not pushing the knees open enough. This can leave your opponent with enough control to sweep you or submit you with a leg lock.

Transitioning to a top position

Once you have successfully broken open the guard, you can transition to a top position. This can be done by stepping one leg over your opponent’s body and moving into side control, or by transitioning to mount. It’s important to maintain control of your opponent throughout the transition to prevent them from escaping or reversing the position.

Countering the standing closed guard open

As with any technique, there are counters to the standing closed guard open. If your opponent is aware of the technique, they may attempt to grab your leg as you step back, preventing you from opening the guard. Another counter is to pull your opponent back into your closed guard as they attempt to break it open. To counter these counters, it’s important to be aware of your opponent’s movements and to maintain control of their posture.

In conclusion, the standing closed guard open is a powerful technique that can help you pass your opponent’s guard while minimizing the risk of getting swept or submitted. By breaking open the guard while still standing, you can gain the upper hand and transition to a top position. Remember to control your opponent’s posture, push the knees open enough, and maintain control throughout the transition to prevent them from countering. Incorporate the standing closed guard open into your BJJ game to take your skills to the next level.

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